Ecevit Piroğlu için acil küresel e-posta çağrısı

Türkiye’nin iadesini istediği Gezi Direnişi’nin öncülerinden ve IŞİD’e karşı mücadelede yer almış devrimci Ecevit Piroğlu için küresel acil e-mail gönderme çağrısı yapıldı.

15 aydır Sırbistan’da tutsak bulunan ve 122 gündür açlık grevi direnişini sürdüren Piroğlu’nun 30 Eylül’de Belgrad’da görülen son duruşmasında, mahkeme heyeti Piroğlu’nun sağlık sorunlarına, küresel çağrılara ve politik kimliğine rağmen bir karar açıklamayarak, bu hafta kapalı oturumda karara varacağını bildirmişti.

İnsan hakları aktivistleri mahkemenin bu tutumunu “kaygı verici” bulduğunu ifade ederek, Piroğlu üzerinden siyasi pazarlıklar yapıldığını ve bu hafta “iade” riskinin arttığını belirtiyor. İadesi durumunda politik kimliğinden dolayı Türkiye’de ağır işkenceye maruz kalacağı ve “ölene dek hapis” yaptırımıyla karşı karşıya kalacağı belirtilen açıklamada Türkiye’deki ve tüm ülkelerdeki insan hakları aktivistlerinin, demokrasi güçlerinin Birleşmiş Milletler Mülteciler Yüksek Komiserliği’ne acil e-posta göndermesi isteniyor.

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adreslerine aşağıdaki metnin kopyalanarak gönderilmesi çağrısı yapıyor.

“Emergency response

To the attention of the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees, Special Reporter for Turkey and to the Serbian U.N representative in Geneva

Dear Mr. High Commissioner

In our last correspondence we tried to alert you about the case of the Kurdish socialist politician Mr. Piroglu who is threatened to be extradited to Turkey from Serbia. We have also tried to inform you about his health condition. Being imprisoned since 15-month Mr. Piroglu has been on hunger strike for 122 days (Twitter: @ForPiroglu) which has led to a dangerous deterioration of his health.

As mentioned in our last exchange Mr. Piroglu had a court hearing on the 30st of September 2022. The judge did not pronounce and communicate his decision regarding his case, which is a situation that alarms his lawyers, his family, and the whole Kurdish community in Europe. These concerns are based on the possibility that the decision will be made and implemented in-abstention, without his lawyers, which would mean that he will be extradited to Turkey where he will face extradition and a facing aggravated life imprisonment.

Mr. High-Commissioner, we hereby ask you to intercede on his behalf and to prevent his deportation to Turkey. We consider that it is a Moral and ethical imperative for all of us to intervene.

We have also been informed that the Turkish authorities are trying to use diplomatic and economic pressure to force Serbia to deport him. Not only is Mr. Piroglu well-being and life are threatened. We are deeply concerned and worried that this extradition is a precedent that will affect the lives of thousands of political refugees in Europe who, we believe should be protected.

Beyond our correspondence, we would like to meet with you in the shortest possible time. Thank you for considering our request for a meeting.

With our most cordial considerations.

3rd of October 2022″